SIAC NEWSLETTER – 219 (07 /2023) 

Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron 

Società Internazionale degli Amici di Cicerone 

International Society of Cicero’s Friends – Facebook – Instagram 

We-Cicero: life and works of Cicero in real time. 

Pour contribuer écrire à – Per contribuire – Send your information to:

Les noms des membres de la SIAC sont en gras. – I nomi dei membri della SIAC sono in grassetto. – Names of SIAC members are written with bold characters. 



  • Francesca Alesse
  • Walter J. Nicgorski
  • Amedeo Raschieri
  • Mortimer Sellers
  • Horacio Silvestre


  • Dopico Caínzos, Maria Dolores, Utiles esse amicos, «Humanitas» 81, 2023, pp. 97-119. LINK
  • Facco, Javier Humberto, Vir bonus. Hermeneutic Category of Moral, Rhetoric and Legal Discourse, «Revista de Derecho Privato» 45, 2023, pp. 47-76. LINK
  • García Saéz, Jose Antonio, La fuerza política de la amistad, «Cuadernos electrónicos de filosofía del derecho» 49, 2023, pp. 387-399. LINK
  • García, César, Quintus Cicero’s Commentariolum petitionis: The importance of personal relationships and clientship in the history of public relations, «Public Relations Inquiry» 12, 2, pp. 211-227. LINK
  • Santos, Gilson Charles dos, Moderatio and Clementia in Late Roman Republic and Early Principate, « Classica: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos» 36, 2023. LINK
  • Stettler, Matteo J., Beyond the Rhetoric of the Octavius: Minucius Felix’s Exhortatio ad Christianitatem, «Zeitschrift fur Antikes Christentum» 27, 1, 2023, pp. 77-101. LINK
  • Sullivan, Karen, The Loneliness of the Untimely Man: Petrarch’s Letters to Classical Authors, «Romanic Review» 114, 1, pp. 189-205. LINK


  • Lecturae Ciceronis 2024Le De inventione entre philosophie, droit et rhétorique, 21-22 mars 2024, Sorbonne Université, Paris:

Lecturae Ciceronis 2024

Le De inventione entre philosophie, droit et rhétorique

21-22 mars 2024, Sorbonne Université, Paris

Organisation : Charles Guérin (SU), Carlos Lévy (AIBL), Ermanno Malaspina (UniTo)

Événement organisé avec le soutien de l’équipe EDITTA (SU – UR 1491) et de la Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron

Premier des textes cicéroniens conservés, le De inventione souffre encore trop souvent d’une réception figée qui fait exclusivement de lui un simple objet didactique, un manuel se contentant de reproduire une doctrine rhétorique dont le seul mérite serait d’être plus accessible et plus systématique que celle du De oratore. La faute principale pourrait en revenir à Cicéron lui-même qui, dans ce même De oratore, décrivait les deux livres de son premier écrit comme quae pueris aut adulescentulis nobis ex commentariolis nostris incohata ac rudia exciderunt (De orat. 1.5). Dès lors, l’Antiquité́ tardive pouvait bien faire du De inventione l’un des piliers de l’enseignement rhétorique, très largement diffusé et commenté dans ses moindres détails, l’avenir moderne du texte était scellé : il serait une simple source où puiser pour reconstruire, par comparaison à la Rhétorique à Herennius, l’état le plus ancien dans la doctrine latine de l’argumentation. 

Rédigé entre 86 et 84 a.C., le De inuentione représente pourtant un témoin clé́ de la pensée cicéronienne et de son évolution : mobilisant des concepts originaux, abordant la pratique du discours sous un angle philosophique qui contraste nettement avec l’approche de l’Auctor de la Rhétorique à Herennius, exploitant des notions juridiques de façon très structurée, le De inventione offre au lecteur attentif bien plus qu’une compilation de règles didactiques : un système en devenir, situé au confluent de la philosophie, du droit et de la rhétorique, produit à un moment clé́ de la formation de Cicéron.

C’est donc pour sa valeur fondatrice que la Société́ Internationale des Amis de Cicéron (SIAC) a choisi ce texte afin d’inaugurer la nouvelle série de colloques qu’elle met en place à partir de 2024 : les Lecturae Ciceronis. L’objectif de ces Lecturae est de rassembler des chercheuses et des chercheurs non sur un thème cicéronien mais sur une œuvrecicéronienne pour en proposer la lecture la plus approfondie possible, en croisant des approches et des méthodes diverses : histoire du texte, étude des sources, étude du contexte, lecture analytique au plus près du texte, analyses lexicales ou synthèses théoriques. L’enjeu premier des Lecturae est d’offrir pour l’œuvre considérée à la fois un état de l’art et des pistes permettant une approche renouvelée, dégagée des a priori et redonnant aux textes ses différents niveaux de sens. Après passage devant le comité de lecture, les textes présentes à l’occasion de ces Lecturae Ciceronis pourront être publiés dans le numéro 2024, VIII, 2 de Ciceroniana on Line, entièrement consacré au De inventione et à paraître en décembre 2024. 

Pour cette première Lectura Ciceronis, qui se tiendra les 21 et 22 mars 2024 à Sorbonne Université́ (Paris), le comité scientifique accepte toutes les propositions d’intervention consacrées au De inventione dans les domaines évoqués ci-dessus, et plus particulièrement sur l’histoire du texte, la constitution de la doctrine rhétorique, la présence du droit et l’utilisation de la philosophie. Les interventions pourront consister en des lectures analytiques de passages représentatifs du texte ou en des présentations synthétiques plus générales. Les propositions de communications d’une page maximum doivent être adressées, accompagnées d’un bref CV, au comité scientifique par le biais du site avant le 31 août 2023

Important : s’ils souhaitent pouvoir participer à la publication issue du colloque, les intervenants retenus devront être en mesure de remettre leur article rédigé́ selon les normes de la revue COL au plus tard le 15 juin 2024

Pierre Chiron (UPEC), Nicolas Cornu-Thénard (Paris 2-Assas), Charles Guérin (Sorbonne Université), Carlos Lévy (AIBL), Ermanno Malaspina (Torino), Marcos Martinho (São Paulo), Dario Mantovani (Collège de France), Marie-Pierre Noël (Sorbonne Université́), Amedeo Raschieri (Milano), Henriette van der Blom (Birmingham) 

Julie Hébert (Sorbonne Université́), Alessia Grillone (Sorbonne Université́ / Torino), Veronica Revello (Sorbonne Université́ /Torino) 

Lecturae Ciceronis 2024

Il De inventione tra filosofia, diritto e retorica

21-22 marzo 2024, Sorbona, Parigi

Organizzazione: Charles Guérin (SU), Carlos Lévy (AIBL), Ermanno Malaspina (UniTo)

Evento organizzato con il supporto del team EDITTA (SU – UR 1491) e della Società Internazionale degli Amici di Cicerone

Primo dei testi ciceroniani ad essere conservato, il De inventione soffre ancora troppo spesso di una ricezione fissa che lo rende esclusivamente un semplice oggetto didattico, un manuale, che si accontenta di riprodurre una dottrina retorica e il cui unico merito è quello di essere più accessibile e più sistematico di quello del De oratore. La colpa principale potrebbe essere di Cicerone stesso che, proprio nel De oratore, descrive i due libri del suo primo scritto come quae pueris aut adulescentulis nobis ex commentariolis nostris incohata ac rudia exciderunt (De orat. 1.5). Da quando la tarda antichità̀ fece del De inventione uno dei pilastri dell’insegnamento retorico, molto diffuso e commentato nei suoi minimi dettagli, il futuro del testo in epoca moderna era segnato: sarebbe stato una semplice fonte, da cui ricostruire, attraverso il confronto con la Retorica a Erennio, lo stato più̀ antico della dottrina latina dell’argomentazione. 

Scritto tra l’86 e l’84 a.C., il De inuentione è tuttavia una testimonianza chiave del pensiero di Cicerone e della sua evoluzione: proponendo concetti originali, affrontando la pratica del discorso da un’angolazione filosofica che contrasta nettamente con l’approccio dell’Auctor della Rhetorica ad Herennium, sfruttando le nozioni giuridiche in modo altamente strutturato, il De inventione offre al lettore attento molto più̀ di una raccolta di regole didattiche: un sistema in divenire, situato alla confluenza di filosofia, diritto e retorica, prodotto in un momento chiave della formazione di Cicerone.

È dunque per il suo valore fondante che la Società̀ Internazionale degli Amici di Cicerone (SIAC) ha scelto questo testo per inaugurare la nuova serie di colloqui che istituirà̀ a partire dal 2024: le Lecturae Ciceronis. L’obiettivo di queste Lecturae è quello di riunire gli studiosi non su un tema ciceroniano, ma su un’opera ciceroniana, per proporre una lettura il più̀ possibile approfondita, incrociando diversi approcci e metodi: storia del testo, studio delle fonti, studio del contesto, lettura analitica il più̀ possibile vicina al testo, analisi lessicali o sintesi teoriche. L’obiettivo primario delle Lecturae è quello di offrire sia lo stato dell’arte sia le possibilità̀ di un approccio rinnovato all’opera in questione, libero da preconcetti e che restituisca i diversi livelli di significato dei testi. Dopo essere passati al vaglio del comitato di lettura, i testi presentati in occasione di queste Lecturae Ciceronis potranno essere pubblicati nel numero 2024, VIII, 2 di Ciceroniana on Line, interamente dedicato al De inventione e in uscita nel dicembre 2024. 

Per questa prima Lectura Ciceronis, che si terrà il 21 e 22 marzo 2024 presso la Sorbona (Parigi), il comitato scientifico accoglie tutte le proposte di relazioni dedicate al De inventione negli ambiti sopra menzionati, e più̀ in particolare sulla storia del testo, la costituzione della dottrina retorica, la presenza del diritto e l’uso della filosofia. Gli interventi possono consistere in letture analitiche di passi rappresentativi del testo o in presentazioni sintetiche più̀ generali. 

Le proposte di relazioni, di una pagina al massimo, devono essere inviate, insieme con un breve CV, al comitato scientifico tramite il sito web entro il 31 agosto 2023. 

Importante: se desiderano partecipare alla pubblicazione risultante dalla conferenza, i relatori selezionati devono essere in grado di presentare il loro articolo scritto secondo gli standard della rivista COL entro il 15 giugno 2024

Pierre Chiron (UPEC), Nicolas Cornu-Thénard (Paris 2-Assas), Charles Guérin (Sorbonne Université), Carlos Lévy (AIBL), Ermanno Malaspina (Torino), Marcos Martinho (São Paulo), Dario Mantovani (Collège de France), Marie-Pierre Noël (Sorbonne Université), Amedeo Raschieri (Milano), Henriette van der Blom (Birmingham) 

Julie Hébert (SU), Alessia Grillone (Sorbonne Université / Torino), Veronica Revello (Sorbonne Université / Torino)

Lecturae Ciceronis 2024

Cicero’s De inventione between philosophy, law and rhetoric

21-22 March 2024, Sorbonne University, Paris

Organisation: Charles Guérin (SU), Carlos Lévy (AIBL), Ermanno Malaspina (UniTo)

Event organised with the support of the EDITTA team (SU – UR 1491) and the International Society of Cicero’s Friends (SIAC)

As the first of Cicero’s texts to be preserved, De inventione still suffers too often from a rigid reception which makes it a mere didactic object, a handbook that merely reproduces a rhetorical doctrine whose only merit is that it is more accessible and systematic than that of De oratore. The main fault could lie with Cicero himself, who in the same De oratore described the two books of his first writing as quae pueris aut adulescentulis nobis ex commentariolis nostris incohata ac rudia exciderunt (De orat. 1.5). From then on, late Antiquity may well have made De inventione one of the pillars of rhetorical teaching, widely disseminated and commented on down to the smallest detail, but the text’s modern destiny was sealed: it would simply be a source for reconstructing, by comparison with the Rhetorica in Herennium, the earliest state of the Latin doctrine of argumentation. 

Written between 86 and 84 a.C., De inuentione is nevertheless a key witness to Ciceronian thought and its evolution: mobilizing original concepts, approaching the practice of discourse from a philosophical angle that contrasts sharply with the Auctor‘s approach in Rhetorica ad Herennium, exploiting legal notions in a highly structured way, De inventione offers the attentive reader far more than a compilation of didactic rules: a system in the making, located at the confluence of philosophy, law and rhetoric, produced at a key moment in Cicero’s training. 

The Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron (SIAC) has chosen this text to inaugurate its new series of colloquia starting in 2024: the Lecturae Ciceronis. The aim of these Lecturae is to bring together researchers not on a Ciceronian topic, but on a Ciceronian work in order to offer the most in-depth reading possible, combining a variety of approaches and methods: history of the text, study of sources, study of context, close-up analytical reading of the text, lexical analyses or theoretical syntheses. The primary aim of the Lecturae is to offer both a state-of-the-art analysis of the work in question, as well as avenues for a fresh approach, free from preconceptions and restoring the texts’ various levels of meaning. Once they have passed through the reading committee, the texts presented at these Lecturae Ciceronis may be published in issue 2024, VIII, 2 of Ciceroniana on Line, entirely devoted to De inventione and due for publication in December 2024. 

For this first Lectura Ciceronis, to be held on March 21 and 22, 2024 at Sorbonne Université (Paris), the scientific committee welcomes all proposals for papers on De inventione in the above- mentioned fields, and in particular on the history of the text, the constitution of rhetorical doctrine, the presence of law and the use of philosophy. Papers may consist of analytical readings of key passages from the text, or of synthetic presentations. 

Proposals for papers of no more than one page should be sent, together with a brief CV, to the scientific committee via by August 31, 2023

Important: if they wish to take part in the publication resulting from the symposium, selected speakers must be able to submit their article, written according to COL standards, by June 15, 2024 at the latest. 

Pierre Chiron (UPEC), Nicolas Cornu-Thénard (Paris 2-Assas), Charles Guérin (Sorbonne Université), Carlos Lévy (AIBL), Ermanno Malaspina (Torino), Marcos Martinho (São Paulo), Dario Mantovani (Collège de France), Marie-Pierre Noël (Sorbonne Université), Amedeo Raschieri (Milano), Henriette van der Blom (Birmingham) 

Julie Hébert (SU), Alessia Grillone (Sorbonne Université / Torino), Veronica Revello (Sorbonne Université / Torino)



  2. Call for Papers : Grammar and Rhetoric in Late Antiquity (Paris) :

International Conference: Croisements et interactions entre grammaire et rhétorique dans la littérature latine de l’Antiquité tardive – Intersections and Interferences between Grammar and Rhetoric in Latin Literature of Late Antiquity, Paris, Sorbonne Université, 4–5 December 2023 

Deadline: 3 September 2023 

Organizing Committee: Laetitia Ciccolini (Sorbonne Université) 

Amedeo A. Raschieri (Università degli Studi di Milano) 

The teaching of grammar, starting with the reading of works in prose and poetry, and the teaching of rhetoric, according to the methods of progymnasmata and the practice of declamation, were the two pillars of education in Late Antiquity. Interactions between these two areas of expertise became, however, increasingly frequent in both the scholastic and literary spheres. This mutual dialogue, moreover, found a further element of innovation in the development of Christian literature.

 Through the presentation of case studies or more general explorations, the conference intends to investigate the following two aspects of the interaction between grammar and rhetoric in Latin literature of Late Antiquity: 

• The relationships and intersections between grammar and rhetoric in Latin works with a didactic purpose. How does this relationship develop in teaching practice? What consequences does it have for the interpretation of texts? What skills does it develop in learners? What effects of this relationship can be found in literary texts? • The relationships and intersections between grammar and rhetoric in works with a Christian content and/or written by Christian authors. How does the grammatical and rhetorical training of the authors and their audience influence the composition of works with a Christian subject? How is grammatical training put at the service of biblical exegesis and the interpretative challenges posed by biblical texts? How do poetry and rhetoric interact in the works of Christian authors? 

A first part of the conference, focused on texts with a didactic and literary purpose, took place on 25-26 May 2023 at the University of Milan (Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Filologici e Linguistici). A second part will be held in Paris in early December 2023 (Sorbonne Université, Centre d’études patristiques- Institut d’études augustiniennes). The aim of the Paris meeting is to focus on biblical exegesis. 

We invite –particularly but not exclusively– PhD students and early career researchers to submit paper proposals for the Paris meeting. Please send the title and an abstract of the paper (300–400 words), together with a short biographical profile, by 3 September 2023 to Laetitia Ciccolini ( and Amedeo Raschieri ( The languages for presentation and publication are French and Italian. The outcome of the selection will be announced by 18 September 2023. 

Thanks to the support of the Laboratoire d’études sur les monothéismes and the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, the speakers’ accommodation and travel expenses will be covered. 

The papers, selected through the peer-review process, will be published in a journal of international standing. The conference has received the Label scientifique of the Université franco-italienne (2e appel à projets Label 2022). 

Scientific Committee: Massimo Gioseffi (University of Milan) Concetta Tania Longobardi (University of Naples Federico II) Céline Urlacher (Université de Mulhouse) Vincent Zarini (Sorbonne Université) For further information:

[Last updated on July 31st, 2023] 

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